
Flint Pastor Defends Decision to Interrupt Trump for Going Off Topic

“Trump’s presence at Bethel United Methodist in no way represents an endorsement of his candidacy”, she had said. When someone in the audience tried to bring up the 1973 civil rights lawsuit again him, Timmons stepped in. “And I said, ‘Wow this is sort of odd.’ And then she came up”.


An NPR reporter present at the event disputed Mr Trump’s claim, adding that some in attendance heckled the NY businessman.

Timmons, who deleted an earlier Facebook post saying that she wanted to introduce Trump to “intelligent, wise black citizens of integrity”, shrugged off his criticism. She also criticized some of the statements Trump has made about certain groups of people. “Now cars are made in Mexico, and you can’t drink the water in Flint”.

Mr Trump gave a speech to the historically-black Bethel United Methodist Church on Thursday following a brief visit to the dormant Flint water plant.

“It doesn’t bother me”, an obviously bothered Trump said about being interrupted. “She was like a nervous mess”, he said.

At some point during his speech at the church, Timmons is shown in a now viral video clip, interrupting the billionaire when he ripped into Clinton from her pulpit. “You have to see, the crime rate over there is ridiculous … what they did with the water is disgusting, but the crime rate and all the other problems they have”.

“She was so nervous”.

Trump initially started talking about Flint, but when he sidetracked and started attacking his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, Rev. Faith Green Timmons interrupted him and asked him to change topics. “And then she came up”.

The New York businessman attempted to tie Flint’s long economic decline to trade deals supported by his rival presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton. Mr. Trump said. “And I’ll tell you, the audience was fantastic”. Last month, he tweeted about the shooting death of National Basketball Association star Dwyane Wade’s cousin in Chicago only to say “African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP!”

Trump then added, “The audience was saying let him speak, let him speak”.


According to NPR’s Scott Detrow, “The pointed questions for Trump continued as Trump wrapped up his remarks, though – and that’s the moment when the press traveling with Trump was hastily escorted out of the room”.

Donald Trump Slavery Civil War