
Corey Feldman’s TODAY show performance is stranger than fiction

The actor – best known for appearing in such classics as Stand By Me and The Lost Boys – showed off his pop star credentials when he appeared on The Today Show in the U.S., taking to the stage with a song called Go 4 It. Those with him included Corey’s Angels (female band members clad in Party-City-esque costumes with halos and wings), Doc Ice from the 80’s hip-hop group UTFO, and a hooded (yet happy as hell) Corey Feldman.


“If you look, actually, at the artwork on the album, you’ll see that it’s me trying to climb out of a fiery pit”, he said.

The music then kicked off and Feldman began dancing around the stage before going into the vocals of “Go for It”, from the band’s new album Angelic 2 the Core. “It kind of all goes along with the concept”.

Watch Feldman’s full Today set below. That’s why he started Corey’s Angels, you see… to help girls who are lost and to “make their realities their dreams”, and also maybe it’s a sex cult.

His new album is titled Angelic 2 the Core (seriously). Magic. Passion. Yas. TFW you go 4 it.


Looking like a NPC from Assassin’s Creed, Feldman shows off an impressive array of dance moves that fathers across America will undoubtedly deploy the next time they chaperone their kids to a concert. Somehow, he convinced the producers of the Today show to allow him to perform the hit single “Go 4 It”, which he somehow found enough money to pay Snoop Dogg to rap on.

People Are Losing Their Minds Over Corey Feldman's 'Performance' On The 'Today' Show