
Bill Will Cover For Hillary in Vegas

Clinton was being asked about his wife, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, and the fall she took on Sunday in NY following a September 11 remembrance event.


Hillary’s campaign stop in Southern California was canceled last week following her abrupt departure from a 9/11 ceremony in NY.

Video has surfaced of Hillary Clinton appearing to stumble as she was led into a van after suffering a “medical episode” during the 9/11 memorial service.

In the edited version of the interview that initially aired, Clinton is only heard saying: “Well, if it is, it’s a mystery to me and all of her doctors. She just got dehydrated yesterday”, said the former President.

Bill Clinton is set to speak at a Tuesday luncheon at the home of television producer/personality Seth MacFarlane that will include a performance by singer Lionel Richie. “She had a good night’s sleep, she’s doing fine”.

Her spokesman, Nick Merrill, said this morning that she “continues to feel better, but intends to remain at home today, following her doctor’s recommendation to rest. But we don’t know because he hasn’t disclosed”. If he follows through, Bill says Hillary “would be forthcoming immediately” with her own health information-though someone will probably try to make a case that the results are actually from her healthier body double or whatever.

The former president played down the health concerns, while also using the airtime to take a swipe at Republican candidate Donald Trump – who has yet to release detailed health records. “And you’re not a demagogue”, Clinton said.

In every part of the state, voters said they would be less inclined to side with a congressional candidate who had endorsed Trump; statewide, 40 percent said they would be less likely to vote for such a candidate, and 15 percent said they would be more likely.


“I just had a physical not that long ago and I passed with flying colors”, he said.

Bill Clinton on foundation'There is nothing wrong