
Trump undermines his own immigration policy

Aca, a 24-year-old Mexican immigrant living in New York, wanted to speak out against Trump – even though he believes it might get him fired from his job at Koi SoHo restaurant, which leases space inside the Trump SoHo hotel. The two mainly discussed Trump’s views on illegal immigration, and naturally, that “big, beautiful, powerful wall“, he wants to build in order to keep immigrants out of the United States.


So, he took it upon himself to expose the loving and hardworking natures of the people stereotyped as freeloading rapists and drug dealers.

Trump’s first policy paper lays out his thoughts on immigration. “I’m actually hopeful that this time around, we’re going to be talking about issues that have deep meaning to Americans – including education”, Healey said.

The GOP presidential candidate, who unveiled his immigration proposal over the weekend, is calling for the construction of a wall across the U.S.-Mexican border (a project he wants the Mexican government to pay for), the mass deportation of all undocumented immigrants, and the repeal of birthright citizenship.

The outcry is understandable; the facts prove Trump wrong. Indeed, they often pay federal taxes and contribute more than $12billion annually to Social Security alone without being able to collect. Trump advocates scrapping automatic citizenship to the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants, which has been in effect since the 14 Amendment of the U.S. Constitution in 1868, Fox News reported. And the wealth that undocumented workers create, which is appropriated by unscrupulous employers, seems to escape his attention. In typical demagogic fashion, Trump picks on isolated cases of violent crime in which the suspect was an undocumented immigrant to slander an entire nation.

The poll is the latest of several surveys showing the world’s most famous landlord is ruling the roost in his party’s presidential race.

“Raising the prevailing wage paid to H-1Bs will force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant workers in the U.S., instead of flying in cheaper workers from overseas”, Trump states.

However, he added, “I want to check his file”.


Although Trump isn’t technically his boss and can’t utter to Aca those two words he’s famous for, Aca still feels anxiety because he’s part of the Deferred Action program initiated by the Obama Administration in 2012.

Trumps seeks to dump J-1 programme