
Upcoming Zelda Amiibo May Have Slipped The NX Release Date

But since Nintendo still hasn’t told us much of anything about NX aside from its March 2017 release date, I figured it was worth diving down the rabbit hole. March 4th of 2016 marked the release date of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, which could indicate this was merely a placeholder date. According to the report from IGN UK, Nintendo has not been very active in the past TGS events, thus making it seem like the showcasing of the console is just pure speculation from the fans and nothing else.


iDigitalTimes can confirm that if you go to this page for the Zelda amiibo and continue to refresh the page, you’ll see one of the Breath of the Wild amiibo pop up eventually.

The official site of Nintendo has leaked the possible departure for amiibos of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and perhaps has announced the release date of the game for Wii U. The Guardian amiibo showed up after two to three refreshes.

It should be noted that March 4th of 2017 would fall on a Saturday, whereas Nintendo’s usual releases fall on a Friday.

The question is if “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” is launched on that date, will Nintendo NX be launched before it or simultaneously?


Nintendo’s website has since been updated to list the figurines’ release date as “2017”. No one is certain if both the Wii U and NX versions of the game will release at the same time or if we’ll even be playing the newest Zelda adventure before the summer of next year. And Breath of the Wild might not end up being an NX launch title.

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