
Donald Trump dubs pastor who interrupted his speech as a ‘nervous mess’

The GOP presidential nominee made a quick visit Wednesday to Flint, where a drinking-water crisis has gained national attention and raised questions about management of the city. So she had that in mind, there’s no question … “She didn’t appear nervous at all”, he wrote in a piece this morning summarizing the incident. “And she called NBC, ABC”.


Timmons wrote on her Facebook page September 14, after Trump’s speech: “Had he stuck to what his camp claimed he came to do, we would not have had a problem!”

Trump was invited by Rev. Faith Green Timmons of Bethel United Methodist Church on Wednesday (Sept. 14).

Trump spoke at Bethel United Methodist Church yesterday, but he was interrupted by Timmons as she tried to remind him that the church didn’t invite him to hear him politicize the Flint water crisis.

“OK. That’s good”, responded a seemingly contrite Trump. “I expect it will be right at the next stop”, he said.

“Oh, oh, OK, OK, OK, that’s good”, Trump said.

But on Thursday she returned to the campaign trail in North Carolina, where she weighed in on the Flint affair. Ms Green-Timmons defended the candidate, however, and told hecklers that he was “a guest of my church, and you will respect him”.

Part of the post read, “HE WILL NOT USE US, WE will EDUCATE HIM!”

Moments before Timmons interrupted him, Trump had begun attacking Clinton for supporting free trade agreements, which Trump argued had caused Flint economic pain.

“Nothing. Now Hillary Clinton -“, Trump told the crowd of about 50 before he was cut off by the church’s pastor, who walked to the podium to address him.

As many as 12,000 children in Flint may have been exposed to lead by drinking the city’s tap water, for whom lead poisoning can be a life sentence of emotional and intellectual problems. “I mean, it’s outrageous what we’ve had to go through and (Trump) says, ‘What do we have to lose?'” Lesle Wilson said. “Now cars are made in Mexico and you can’t drink the water in Flint”.

The pastor added: “And I wanted to present the best that I could to someone who was coming in from out of town – it happened to have been Donald Trump”.


If you supposed that Donald Trump would not stoop to attacking a pastor, I would like some of whatever you’ve been taking to sleep through this election.

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