
British MP called ‘Zionist scumbag’ after criticizing party leadership candidate

The 36-year-old says she personally fought her general election campaign in Grimsby “on a message of hope” for the future and a need for the town to embrace new industries.


Mr Nellist said he would also insist that “Clause Four”, viewed as a symbol of the party’s commitment to socialism, was reinstated after it was controversially changed by Mr Blair in 1995.

LABOUR leadership candidate Liz Kendall paid a visit to Brighton and Hove days after the party’s leading politicians in the city backed her bid.

As well as changing Labour to a neo Tory party, Blair took us into five wars, including the illegal Iraq war.

“And in reality, it only helps the Tories by keeping Labour wedded to outdated solutions whilst the people we seek to serve move on and move away”. The Labour leadership favourite has become increasingly tetchy with the media after facing questions about his links to a Holocaust denier, as well as being the subject of criticism from a host of former Labour bigwigs.

As the ballots go out, former prime minister Mr Brown pleaded with party members not to vote for Mr Corbyn. I’ve never broken the Labour whip.

“All our meetings are absolutely packed out within hours of us putting them up on the website”, he said, speaking at London’s King’s Cross station.

On who would make the best prime minister, Andy Burnham was narrowly ahead with 25 per cent, against 24 per cent for Corbyn and the two men were tied on 26 per cent on who would be the most likely to win the next general election as Labour leader.

The figures gave Mr Burnham a net rating of +5, Ms Cooper -3, Ms Kendall -6 and Mr Corbyn -10. Unite also lent the Corbyn campaign £50,000, which has to be repaid on September 12, the day of the result of the leadership election. “I’ve received some vicious antisemitic abuse…”

Mr Corbyn told a phone-in on Radio 4’s The World at One yesterday: ‘I think we should be making demands now as a party to enhance and extend the social chapter within the European Union.

“I believe we have caught a public mood”.

Referring to warnings that Labour may be reduced to a party of angry protest under Mr Corbyn, Mr Burnham said: “People may be overstating their criticisms, people don’t know that”.

But one of his main rivals, Yvette Cooper, remains confident of overhauling the Islington North MP and is set to outline her plan for women’s equality.

The magazine said the decision to open the contest to registered supporters had been an “extraordinary act of self-harm” by the party, inviting exploitation by opponents.


He could recreate his party’s deep divisions during the 1975 referendum, when it was the Conservatives who wanted to stay in the European Economic Community while Labour was split with left-wingers such as Tony Benn backing withdrawal.

The group would be formed should left-wing MP Jeremy Corbyn win the Labour leadership race