
Oklahoma man at ‘Muslim Free’ gun store accidentally shoots himself

However, it seems the plan to create a safe environment backfired when one of the men standing guard outside of the gun range with a weapon accidentally shot himself.


However, one of the men at the store accidentally dropped his weapon and was shot in the arm.

“I saw a several of these gentlemen out there yesterday”, says Pearson. They are also keeping a close eye on the business and the people guarding it.

We assume that some of those threats came from radical grammar Nazis incensed by the comma splice, but the danger was so clear to some folks that they decided to come on down to Oktaha and “guard” the store. “It’s like the Clampetts have come to town”, Pearson told the online news outlet, comparing the armed men to the family in the TV series “The Beverly Hillbillies.”

The man insisted he held no prejudice against Muslims – despite volunteering to carry a gun to stop Muslims from attempting to do business inside the gun shop.

The Save Yourself Survival and Tactical Gear store had gotten threats after the media began reporting on its racist tactics, leading some to form a perimeter around the store to protect its customers and employees.

“I will fight to the death for someone’s right to practice whatever religion they want to”, the man said.

Read the story here. “I’m here because when people start resorting to violence, we can’t allow that”.

“I just wanted to express my disapproval”, Chris Martin told Fox 23.

Martin hopes that his showing up prompts dialogue on discrimination.

The business owner showed up a short time later and asked Martin and reporters to leave the property, which sits across a highway from a convenience store frequented by neighborhood schoolchildren. He is a very sweet and dear friend who we consider to be like family.

The store closed shop for the remainder of the day and claimed the accident was caused by faulty equipment, but we think that’s just a fancy way of saying this guy forgot to turn his safety on!


Save Yourself Survival and Tactical Gear said in a posting on its Facebook page the man who shot himself had a broken holster.

Armed Idiot Protects Oklahoma Gun Store From Muslims By Shooting Himself