
Bernie Sanders DNCLeaks, Should Have Kept His Word

On Monday night, Mr. Sanders delivered a fiery unification speech at the Democratic National Convention and, at that point, he hadn’t released said tax returns – not that it really matters anymore – and Mrs. Clinton, who this week will be officially crowned as the Democratic nominee for President, hasn’t released any transcripts of the speeches given to Wall Street executives, which apparently Mr. Sanders and the media has lost interest in viewing because the calls for them to materialize have stifled.


The survey found that 26 percent of likely voters under 30 plan to vote for Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, while 10 percent support the Green Party’s Jill Stein.

A couple of polls this week have illustrated Clinton’s ongoing challenge with millennials. Now that it’s been a couple of months since the conventions, she said she and her fellow Sanders supporters are doing they have to do.

The strategist, who worked on Al Gore’s 2000 campaign, recalled that “an bad lot” of young voters in states like Washington, Oregon and Wisconsin told pollsters they supported independent candidate Ralph Nader. And this goes to the root of what Trump’s campaign is about.

Sanders is expected to encourage millennials who enthusiastically backed him in the primary to throw their support to Clinton and register to vote before the October 11 deadline in Ohio. Elizabeth Warren will emphasize Clinton’s plans for community college and in-state public university tuition breaks this weekend. In the new Quinnipiac poll, a jarring 77 percent of likely voters aged 18 to 34 said Clinton is not honest, while 21 percent said she is. Clinton’s political record as a war hawk stretches back more than 20 years, longer than the entire life span of numerous young voters her campaign is striving to ensnare.

“He added: “[Trump] is a very good showman.

“The American people do not agree with Trump”, Sanders said. “The cornerstone of his campaign is bigotry”, Sanders said.

“When we were canvassing in New Hampshire for the primaries, we were canvassing for Bernie and they were canvassing for Hillary”. And when he did, he said the election was not about himself or Hillary or Donald Trump. Sticking to the issues, rather than engaging Trump in a tit-for-tat exchange of insults, will reinforce her strengths over Trump, he said.


“We’ve reeled back on our anti-Hillary sentiments”, she said, especially on social media, “but it doesn’t mean that we are going to be out in a field office, phone banking for her, donating money for her”.

U.S. 68 reopens in Xenia following crash 12-hour closure