
Japanese company plans to use the moon for advertising

Technology advancements have made it possible to advertise on the moon as a Japanese sports drink will show us soon. The Japanese company has contracted with an American firm to complete this task. The odd payload will be ferried to Earth’s only natural satellite aboard a SpaceX mission that plans to drop a rover on the moon’s surface in late 2016. The can will be placed near a giant crater, known as Bürg.


According to Pocari Sweat its primary goal is to have a modern-day child become an astronaut someday and eventually drink its contents.

While one would expect the unique ad concept to be fairly costly, the price tag wont reach stratospheric rates, USA Today noted. A non-disclosure agreement has been signed by Astrobotic.

A new age in advertising has already begun, as a Japanese company has kicked off its campaign to promote the beverage Pocari Sweat…on the moon! Chances are though the can might not weigh more than a kilo, Otsuka, Pocari Sweat’s parent company, may have paid a lot more for the deal. To put it into space for future use, they have had to design it into a powder much like Kool Aid.

While Pocari Sweat may be a pioneer in lunar advertising, space commercials are hardly new.

Along with small amount of the “Pocari Sweat” powdered sports drinks, the capsule will also contain engraved titanium plates with messages from “children all over Asia”.

The Post reports Pocari Sweat (Not a typo, that’s seriously what it’s called) is huge in the Far East, and a can of it will be on the moon as early as next year. An Israeli milk producer filmed an ad on a Russian space station in 1997 and Pizza Hut delivered specially-sealed pizzas to the worldwide Space Station in 2001.

Astroscale, a Singapore-based private space company, designed the capsule to survive the extremes of space travel as well as the harsh environment on the lunar surface, including the threat of meteorites, radiation and extreme temperature swings from minus 153°C in the shade and 123°C in sunlight.


There is even talk that there may be more advertisements from the moon in 2016 than just Pocari Sweat.

The Final Frontier Advertising on the Moon