
Schumer bill would stop rogue drones from flying near airports

“All you need is for one of these drones to fly into an engine and a tragedy would result”.


Though the analysis aimed toward monitoring and disabling drones is at an early stage, there was no less than one subject check.

But for now, no drones of any kind will be used to fight fires.

The technology would involve overriding the transmissions from the drone’s original controller, using known transmission codes, Reuters said. A full FAA reauthorization bill will likely not come until 2016, but Schumer said Wednesday the change needs to be immediate.

But the sources acknowledged that efforts to combat rogue drones have gained new urgency due to the sharp rise in drone use and a series of alarming incidents. Drones are not supposed to be flown near manned aircraft. One reason for the enforcement gap is that Congress in 2012 barred the FAA from regulating recreational drones.

The controller could then pass the complaint on to a local law enforcement agency, which could try to identify the drone operator, according to Dorr.

“If we had such a law, no drone could fly near an airport”, Schumer said. According to the FAA, there have been more than 650 sightings of drones by plane and helicopter pilots this year, including sightings by pilots of large commercial aircraft above 10,000 feet.

“We will’t shoot it out of the sky. It won’t crash”, a source told the new agency.

“You want sufficient energy to override the transmitter”.

Under the rules, it would be much easier for a business to legally operate drones.

The Consumer Electronics Association expects more than 1 million drones to be sold in the US this year, more than double last year’s sales total. Some sensitive areas are off-limits to recreational drones, including the FAA’s “No Drone Zone” that includes all of Washington, D.C. Federal officials decided not to bring criminal charges. Manufacturers are already experimenting with placing this type of technology in their drones, however, Schumer said that all manufacturers should be required to implement the software right away and that’s why he will be proposing this amendment. The 15-second video, entitled “Flying Gun”, exhibits a quadcopter hovering simply above the bottom in a wooded space and jerking backward with every of 4 photographs.

Regarding the six test sites, which were established in 2014 to conduct research and development on drone operations and safety that the FAA reviews, more than 195 test flights have taken place as of March.

The zones would be enforced with geo-fencing technology, which relies on software built into drones to keep them from entering certain areas even if directed there by a human pilot.

Requested concerning the improvement of counter-drone-technology, the Division of Homeland Safety stated it “works side-by-side with our interagency companions” to develop options to deal with the illegal use of drones.


It was the fourth time in the span of a month that a drone disrupted efforts to suppress a wildfire in Southern California, U.S. Forest Service spokesman Lee Beyer said, the AP reported.

Close-up of drone in sky