
Oscar Pistorius due to be released from prison after serving 10 months

Two years ago, Pistorius-an Olympic athlete-admitted to killing his model girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, after allegedly mistaking her for an intruder on Valentine’s Day.


Nel will argue that that Masipa had incorrectly applied the principles of dolus eventualis, and that Pistorius should have foreseen that he could kill Steenkamp when he fired four shots through the toilet door.

Steenkamp’s parent’s June and Barry slammed the decision to release the man responsible for their daughter’s death after just 10 months, saying that serving less than one fifth of the sentence sends a bad message.

“We filed the appeal today”, National Prosecuting Authority spokesman Luvuyo Mfaku said.

In case it is found that his conviction is not of manslaughter but murder, he could face imprisonment for at least 15 years which is the minimum in South Africa for such charge. He is likely to be allowed to leave the house to work, carry out community service or to attend important family events, and officials say he will not have to wear an electronic monitoring device. The appeal hearing is due to start in November.

The state filed its heads of argument with the supreme court of appeal.

Mike Hutchings-Reuters Oscar Pistorius leaves the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria, South Africa on March 7, 2014. Though he was a source of pride, the global Paralympic Committee has said he can compete only after his five-year sentence is completed – though they might have to look at it again if he is released early.

Pistorius will serve out the remaining part of his sentence under house arrest (also known as “correctional supervision”) at his uncle’s luxurious Pretoria home.

Will Oscar Pistorius really be released after a 10 months prison sentence? Prosecutor Gerrie Nel won a chance to appeal Pistorius’ conviction of culpable homicide.


Pistorius’ good behaviour in prison was taken into account, and his family will have been checked to ensure they will hold him to his release conditions.

Oscar Pistorius