
Woman-Beating UFC Fighter Brags About Harassing Woman At The Gym

You can read his entire rant here, but he sums it up himself at the end by saying, “Don’t run your mouth, and don’t do yoga stretching where people lift weights, or I’ll snatch the mat from under you AGAIN and throw it AGAIN”.


According to Johnson’s story, a woman with a yoga mat got in his way while he was trying to lift weights. We take these matters seriously and have commenced a formal investigation by a third-party law firm.

UFC light-heavyweight slugger Anthony Johnson is all set for an exciting showdown with fellow striker Jimi Manuwa at UFC 191, in his first fight since losing in the vacant title fight with Daniel Cormier at UFC 187.

“Run to the front desk crying again, talking about you feel threaten and gonna go to social media”. While those charges were ultimately reduced to misdemeanors, Johnson was convicted and sentenced to three years’ probation, eight hours of community service at a local boys’ club, one day of jail and 52 weeks of domestic violence counseling.

The UFC suspended Johnson in 2014 and opened an investigation into his behavior after the mother of his child obtained an order of protection and alleged threats and abuse. The light-heavyweight has apologized for the rant. I’ve been through worse! Because grabbing her mat and throwing it is clearly the only solution in that situation. I shouldn’t have gotten that upset from the start but I did, I mean I’m human.


The 31-year-old American took to Facebook on Tuesday to share a rather unsavoury and threatening post in relation to a female gym user he had crossed paths with. Needless to say, he spends some time at the gym. I’m not going to sugarcoat it and make it seem like I’m a angel because I’m not but I will admit when I’m wrong.

UFC's Anthony Johnson -- Quit Your Crying Yoga Girl!! Gyms Are For Lifting