
Trump discloses health records on TV

In addition to the results from tests he underwent at Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan last week, Trump, 70, produced a letter from his longtime physician, Dr. Harold Bornstein, in which Bronstein said, “In summary, Mr. Trump is in excellent health”. Mr. Trump is 6 feet and 3 inches tall and weighs 236 pounds, according to Mehmet Oz, MD, the host of the show.


Trump takes a lipid lower agent called rosuvastatin and a low dose aspirin, said his doctor, who repeated that Trump also doesn’t use alcohol or tobacco.

Trump: no medical records The promise made on Sunday was to release an extensive batch of recent medical tests, which the Democrats have been asking him to do throughout the campaign. The Wednesday letter, written by Clinton’s personal physician Dr. Lisa Bardack, describes Clinton’s illness as “mild, non-contagious bacterial pneumonia” as confirmed by a CT scan.

The letter comes as his rival Hillary Clinton returns to the campaign trail after time off with pneumonia, appearing briefly to reporters.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said, if elected, he would label China as currency manipulator and apply countervailing duties until the country ceases its illegal trade activities.

Donald Trump releases medical records for the first time to Dr. Oz on The Dr. Oz Show. He has a cholesterol level of 169, with his level of high-density lipoproteins at 63, his low-density lipoproteins at 94.

Trump’s testosterone level is 441.6, also within the normal range.

Aides had said that Trump would not discuss the results of his recent physical with Oz, but the businessman went ahead and handed him the documents.

An EKG and chest X-ray in April showed normal results.

US Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence’s campaign on Saturday released a letter from Pence’s doctor, claiming that the running mate of Donald Trump is in “excellent” health.

Bornstein notes that there is “no family history of premature cardiac or neoplastic disease” and that Trump’s parents, Fred and Mary, “lived into their late 80s and 90s”. But one of them – Kelly Platt, a pharmacist intern who said she is a Trump supporter – said Trump told Oz that he is so good at golf he could join the PGA Tour.

Trump was hospitalized only once, the letter said, as an 11-year-old, to have his appendix removed. The show doesn’t air until tomorrow.


The former President said: “She’s worked like a demon as you know as Secretary of State and as a Senator and in the years since”.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton gives a thumbs up as she arrives to board her campaign plane on Thursday. Clinton returned to the campaign trail after a bout of pneumonia that sidelined her for three days and revived questions about both