
Colbert Rips ‘Liar’ Trump Over His Sudden Change Of Heart On Birtherism

Following Donald Trump’s “major announcement” on Friday where admitted that President Obama was born in the USA and blamed Hillary Clinton for starting the birther movement, late night hosts Seth Meyers and Stephen Colbert pounced on the news last night and showed how easy it is to prove Trump’s latest batch of lies and attempt to glaze over the fact that he started the controversy in the first place.


Mr. Trump’s repeating the birther lie, by contrast, not only was hurtful, disgraceful and offensive to President Obama and his family, but it divided the American people and contributed to the ongoing dysfunction of our political system. Not period. Question mark. Meyers repeated incredulously. “Fuck you, exclamation point!”

Over the course of a 10-minute segment, Colbert repeatedly called Trump a liar without directly saying so, using clips of Trump himself saying “liar” and “world-class liar” and talking in exasperated tones about Trump’s bogus birtherism claims in a Friday news conference. But Trump continued birther claims well into the 2015 GOP debates. But you know what, memory is a tricky thing.

How could Trump think he could pull the wool over everyone’s eyes, Colbert wondered.

Trump never apologized for pursuing and promoting the birther lie for so long, and even managed to lie again by saying Hillary Clinton started the rumors and that it was in fact one Donald Trump who put an end to all of that nonsense.

In 2011, the GOP presidential nominee in large part led the charge of conspiracy theorists questioning President Obama’s natural-born citizenship. “And I know you didn’t because I was alive and on TV”.


This is actual damage to our country, and we need Mr. Trump to explain why he spread the lie and then why he changed his mind.

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