
How Many Hours Of Commercials Per Year Netflix Saves You From

Unfortunately, we still have to deal with ads when we want to watch our favorite shows when they premiere (unless you’re watching a Netflix Original like Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, Bojack Horseman, or Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt).


Those 90 minutes of Netflix streaming mean bypassing 21.3 minutes of ads, or stretched out over an entire year, “you’re looking at a grand total of 5.4 days of advertisements avoided”. Exstreamist (via The Mary Sue) recently did some math based on data available about Netflix and television advertising, and they’ve determined that watching Netflix saves time, due to the lack of commercials.

The site further put this number into perspective by noting that 130 hours equate to 5.41 days that could be spent watching 65 films or 177 episodes of Seinfeld, which is ironic, seeing as the iconic 90s sitcom isn’t actually available on Netflix. And according to Nielsen, the average hour of television contains about 15 minutes and 30 seconds of advertising.

It feels really good to have that time back to spend time with family and friends and be active binge even more.

If you’re a Netflix user, it could be saving you from almost a week’s worth of commercials a year.


According to a recent study by TDG Research, users spend an average of 1 1/2 hours a day and around 540 hours a year watching content on Netflix. So it’s clear that we’re not necessarily using this time not spent watching commercials very wisely.
