
Map shows most popular emojis by state

Check out more “United States of Emoji” data here. Which emoji do we use least?


You can find your emoji insights by opening the “My Profile” section in the SwiftKey app and clicking “your typing and emoji insights”. Pennsylvania, however, took top honor for using the most raunchy emoji, New Hampshire used the most alcohol images, and Maine the most drugs.

It may come as no surprise that New Yorkers are most likely to use the Statue of Liberty emoji, but who would have thought Nevadans favored the eggplant character?

Pennsylvanians favorite emoji, according to Swiftkey, is the cherry and Delawareans prefer a football. The company compiled the map after analyzing over 1 billion emoji typed by iOS and Android users.

Edward Pevos is the Mlive entertainment reporter for Detroit and Southeast Michigan.

This latest study represents the follow-up of similar research SwiftKey carried out globally- revealing the most popular emoji across 16 different languages.

You can view an interactive map of the emoji study on Swiftkey’s website, if you are into that sort of thing.

We also use the mountain and mouse emoji more than any other state.

Other fun statistics revealed a weird interest in the poop emoji showed by Vermont’s population, and a odd preoccupation with eggplants in Nevada. For instance, the bigger the emoji in the cloud, the more often you use that emoji.


In an effort to quantify emoji use and break it down geographically, the team behind SwiftKey has assessed which states use certain emojis more than the other states.

Study reveals popular emojis used in different US states