
GOP Primary Candidates Talk K-12 Education at N.H. Forum

“If all you’re committed to is restoring local control, then what do you do?” It will submit its recommendations to the state education board in February after public hearings are held around the state in Shreveport, Alexandria, Crowley, Covington and New Orleans.


Christie wants teachers to be paid on the basis of achievement, and said, “We shouldn’t have a tenure system that doesn’t take into account your performance”.

“In my mind the debate needs to be broader”, Bush said.

Christie said if he got to choose the AFT president, he wouldn’t choose Weingarten.

Common Core opponent Kathryn Goppelt urged against a “cursory review” that makes modest changes to Common Core.

“The Common Core is a touchstone for Republicans, and they should be making a bigger deal of it”, the authors wrote.

“We have to break the agrarian model: we stick everybody in a classroom and we try to teach everybody in the same way, and as we all know, children learn in different ways”, he said. But moderator Campbell Brown says the goal of the standards is for students to understand math concepts in a deeper way.

Kasich doesn’t buy the popular GOP talking point dating back to President Ronald Reagan that the Education Department should be closed as a means to downsize the federal government and get it out of education policy.

Outside the event, teacher’s union protesters described the summit as ‘anti-education’. And the 55-page report is evidence that for many conservatives, it’s not enough for the candidates to merely qualify past support or argue in favor of higher standards. “Those were all part of it. It was really about education reform”. He was once a big-time supporter but announced at a campaign rally that after having commissioned a panel to study the education standards, he would pull New Jersey out of Common Core.

“Sit down in the mud with them”, he said, and let them know you want to help. The group plans a similar forum in Iowa in October.

While many of his fellow Republican governors have backed away from Common Core, Kasich says he’s not going to change his position “because there’s four people in the front row yelling at me”.

That’s a reference to the Supreme Court’s landmark obscenity ruling, wherein former Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said he couldn’t define pornography, but that “I know it when I see it”. The Republicans largely agreed that federal bureaucracy is behind numerous problems in public education and that more school choice is the solution.

Fiorina is speaking at an education forum in New Hampshire alongside five other GOP hopefuls.

Christie did attack Bush – the former Florida governor has been in second place in recent polls behind Trump – accusing him of “admitting to failure” for saying earlier in the day that he had battled with the teachers union as governor of Florida. Parents, he said, can answer the question of “good teacher or bad teacher” after spending 10 minutes at a back-to-school night.

“When Washington spends more money, the quality of education in this nation does not improve”, she said.

She advocated zero-based budgeting and a “top-to-bottom audit” of the federal government. Instead, she says, it’s up to teachers to inspire a love of learning in students.


When asked about whether he supports Common Core educational standards, he said he supported “high standards” that are driven by states.

Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie speaks during an education summit Wednesday Aug. 19 2015 in Londonderry N.H