
ORC Poll: Donald Trump now competitive typically election

His rise in general election performance is directly connected to growth in support for him by the Republican base.


“She’s terrifically smart”, said Stanley Renshon, a political science professor at the City University of New York who has written about the Clintons.

She was viewed favorably by 44 percent of voters, but 53 percent have an unfavorable view.

While all three network morning shows covered Hillary Clinton’s ongoing e-mail scandal on Wednesday, the broadcasts focused on the Democratic front-runner being “fed up” with controversy and “defiant” in her response to legitimate questions from the press.

All of those leads are boosted by sizable gender gaps.

Clinton, meanwhile, has 307 endorsement points on the FiveThirtyEight endorsement scoreboard.

Kevin Franck, former communications director for the Massachusetts Democratic Party, told the Boston Herald that “if the vice president announced that he was running for president tomorrow… he would soon find himself at least comfortably in second place in polls in New Hampshire”.

Clinton also faces a surge of enthusiasm for Vermont Sen.

Some supporters asked how the Clinton campaign is affected by the strengthening of other Democratic efforts, like Bernie Sanders – slated to travel to South Carolina later this week – or Vice President Joe Biden, who recently mulled a potential run during his vacation on Kiawah Island here. But Sanders isn’t the only non-establishmentarian in the race: Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley – who will be speaking to the same AFL-CIO convention today – is also part of the fray.

While Mr Trump gains, Ms Clinton’s fortunes have slipped.

Among those Democratic voters who are “extremely enthusiastic” about voting for president next year, it’s already essentially a two-person race.

Clinton won her first major labor endorsement of the presidential campaign last month, from the 1.6 million-member American Federation of Teachers.

Jensen said most recent polls put Clinton’s support among African-American voters at around 70% to 80%.

On the other hand, there are handfuls and many the State Department representatives that has made utilization of the private email represent Hillary Clinton so as to address a large group of issues, from the household to the global front. In fact, the same poll found that 35 percent of Democratic voters think he would do a worse job. Yet mainstream pundits stubbornly write them off as viable candidates. Many see him as too radical to beat Clinton for the nomination, but David Gibson of Reno said a victory was within Sanders’ reach. On the economy, 45 percent say Clinton would best handle it, 26 percent choose Sanders and 21 percent Biden.

Despite these setbacks, Clinton still leads Sanders in individual issue areas.


Clinton is doing better in every single state. But for the first time her number has dropped below 50% in that poll.

Democratic presidential hopeful New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton greets supporters as she arrives at a'Generations of Women fundraiser in Washington DC