
Influenza death a reminder of importance of flu vaccine | Department of Health

Whether you’re young or old, it’s that time of year again when everyone needs to protect themselves and everyone around them from the flu by getting a flu shot. This means many people who received the flu shot were not protected to the extent they thought they were. Plan to attend the Perry County Health Department’s annual drive thru flu clinic on October 19th anytime between 8am and 6pm to get your flu shot.


Since the flu shot contains inactivated, killed flu viruses, it is not scientifically possible for the vaccine to cause the flu.

Because of a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendation, the nasal mist flu vaccine will not be offered. While “delaying vaccination might permit greater immunity later in the season”, the CDC notes, citing evidence from a 2013 study, that “deferral could result in missed opportunities to vaccinate”.

It’s not too early to get your vaccinations for the 2016-17 flu season.

“If people over 65 are over enthusiastic about getting their vaccine at the end of August or the beginning of September and it’s a really late flu season, their protection might have decreased a bit”.

But Pavia said “if a vaccine doesn’t work, you shouldn’t use it”.

You need to get the vaccine every year for two reasons. Groups may be billed – make arrangements ahead of time by calling the health department.

According to the CDC, the flu vaccine was only 23% effective in 2015.

Yes. there are two products approved for people age 65 or older – Fluzone High-Dose and FLUADTM, which is a new product in the USA this season. It can cause mild to severe illness, and in some cases can lead to death.

Dr. Pedro Piedra, professor of molecular virology and microbiology and pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine, recommends that everyone over the age of 6 months should be vaccinated.

“We’re looking forward to offering this event, and community members love the convenience of driving through for their vaccine so much so that they expect it each year”, said Diana Moore, a registered nurse at the health center.

It is now recommended that everyone over six months old get immunized against the flu.


In any given flu season, effectiveness of the vaccine varies. “It’s best to get it early rather than not at all”.

South Georgia public health experts urge flu vaccines