
Birthright Citizenship Is A No-Go For These GOP Candidates

After launching his presidential campaign by calling Mexican immigrants “rapists,” Donald Trump is now following up on his nativist rhetoric by taking aim at the Constitution.


The Republican frontrunner wants to triple the number of immigration officers and to deny automatic citizenship to children born in the US, presumably by unravelling the 14th amendment of the US constitution.

Earlier that same day, Walker told “Fox & Friends” that his immigration plan is “very similar” to the policies released by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Trump asserted, “Many lawyers are saying that’s not the way it is in terms of this”, and went on to say, “They are saying it is not going to hold up in court”. Among other things, Trump called for ending birthright citizenship, or the right of anyone born in the US to American citizenship. “And then [when many people assumed I meant her menstrual cycle], I said only a deviant would think that”.

“This summer, I was joined by Gov. Walker, who was first to change his position with a few specifics called for limiting legal immigration”, Santorum said.

Bombastic real-estate mogul Donald Trump has extended his lead in the 2016 Republican nomination race, beating establishment candidates and anti-Washington renegades alike as he topped a new poll. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said in Iowa on Tuesday that he, too, opposes Trump and doesn’t support repealing the 14th Amendment.

“You are not going to be able to deport people who have American citizenship now, and the federal courts will never allow mass deportations without due process for each and every one“, O’Reilly said.

Republican Party experts have warned that, irrespective of who the nominee is, the Hispanics would view the party as unfriendly in this general election due to the stance taken on immigration.

Lindsey Graham: “Birthright citizenship I think is a mistake”, he said in 2010.

He continued, “When you look at Baltimore, when you look at Chicago, when you look at the crime that’s going on, you have some of these people are illegal immigrants“.

“I will build the greatest wall that you’ve ever seen”, he said.


The candidate most in the crosshairs after Trump’s comment may however be Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who labeled the debate among Republicans over birthright citizenship a “stumbling block” Wednesday and asserted firmly that anyone born in the United States should automatically be a citizen.

Sen. Marco Rubio speaks during the first Republican presidential debate on Aug. 6 in Cleveland