
Obama slams Trump on black community remark

Ray Kelly did a great job and NY was not in a Chicago situation, but it was really in trouble. “I mean, it’s a bad thing that we’re witnessing”, he said. He said: “Chicago is out of control”. I’m not defending it, I’m not explain – I’m not, you know, saying that he’s right.


Second, and most importantly, Trump’s promise to create a nationwide stop-and-frisk program targeting black and brown people is red meat for the “basket of human deplorables” that is his base.

“One of the things I’d I would do stop-and-frisk”. “That’s tougher than finding oil, I will tell you”.

“Donald Trump and I believe that there’s been far too much talk of institutional bias or racism within law enforcement”, Pence said, insisting the issue was resolved.

Trump has spent the last several weeks asking black Americans for their support and asserting that President Barack Obama has failed the black community, but those appeals have been undermined at times.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton decried a fresh round of police-involved shootings on Wednesday, with the Republican nominee saying he was “very troubled” by the killing of a black man by a white police officer in Oklahoma.

Protests erupted in Charlotte, North Carolina, after a police officer shot and killed Keith Lamont Scott while serving an unrelated arrest warrant, but GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump seems to think something else helped spur the civil unrest. “I think she deserves that and I’m going to be nice”.

Critics of stop-and-frisk have said such measures discriminate against minorities. She didn’t order an outright ban, but called for reform of the policy and outside oversight. He said that “it’s the job of the next president of the United States to work with our governors and mayors to address this crisis and save African-American lives”.

“There is a need to build better bridges between law enforcement and the communities they serve”, Kaine said. “Plus, they have proven to be ineffective”. He spoke shortly after joining other supportive lawmakers for a meeting Thursday with Trump political director Jim Murphy. Giuliani has continued to defend the practice in recent years, rebutting the statistics showing little correlation between stop-and-frisk and a reduction in crime.

Trump is now polling at 5.2 percent among black voters, according to the latest USC/LA Times tracking poll. She still leads in the polls among college students, but Trump, Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein all capture portions of the young vote. If you would like to discuss another topic, look for a relevant article.

Trump said Americans want a Commander-in-Chief that will defeat radical Islamist terrorism and protect the borders. Trump Ohio director Bob Paduchik says Miller has resigned. “What the hell do you have to lose?” It’s awful. The crime, the bad education, the no jobs.

Clinton’s campaign said in a statement that Trump’s answer was proof that he had only voiced his reversal to try to change the subject. In New York City it was so incredible, the way it worked.

A town hall in OH this week hosted by Sean Hannity of Fox News was supposed to be focused on issues facing the black community, but the audience was largely white. He said the crime-ridden city of Chicago needed to adopt the tactic.

“We ended that unconstitutional use of stop-and-frisk, that overuse of stop-and-frisk”, he added.


‘Every day police officers risk their lives for, really, complete strangers, ‘ he said. But aides say he is studying written briefing material on domestic and worldwide issues and is also talking through topics with advisers. “He has had no experience with policing, no experience with public safety”. Please see our terms of service for more information. Pat McCrory (R) to declare a State of Emergency.

Donald Trump “The Charlotte Violence Must Be Ended Now”