
Hospitals Still Use Too Many Antibiotics — CDC Study

“We can’t keep going on like this if we are going to expect people to have the same outcomes 20 years from now”, Cohen said.


Under the Organic Foods Production Act, certified USDA livestock producers can not use growth promoters and hormones, whether implanted, ingested, or injected, including antibiotics. “And it will put the sustainable development goals in jeopardy”. For example, one study of United Kingdom supermarket pork and chicken found that 51 per cent of samples were contaminated with antibiotic-resistant E coli bacteria.

The declaration routes the global response to superbugs along a similar path to the one used to combat climate change.

On Wednesday, the UN General Assembly will address that challenge. And there has been trouble tracking those deaths in places where they are monitored, like in the U.S., where tens of thousands of deaths have not been attributed to superbugs, according to a Reuters investigation.

The JAMA authors worry that doctors may be prescribing more power antibiotics “just to be safe” when they’re not certain if a bacterial infection is making a patient ill and instead suggested that physicians prescribe those only when necessary.

For decades, public health experts have warned of the dangers of “superbugs”, microbes that can not be stopped with drugs.

But scientific innovation, and increased awareness, has shown the severity of the threat. Perhaps the next ruling the United Nations makes on the issue will be one in the other direction, from crisis level to problem of the past.

CARB also has partnered with pharmaceutical companies and researchers to speed the development of new drugs, said Burwell. “I think this is the first realistic chance, in our lifetime, to turn this around”, Keiji Fukuda, MD, special representative for antimicrobial resistance to the director-general of World Health Organization, told NPR.

There has also been considerable advocacy by health officials, like Sally Davies, chief medical officer of the UK. Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis has been identified in 105 countries.

“In some cases, providers might be unaware of treatment guidelines”, Baggs said.

“On current trends, a common disease like gonorrhea may become untreatable”, Chan said.

Watkins says antibiotic resistance is such an issue because the drugs are crucial to what doctors are able to do. However, the use of some classes of antibiotics has significantly increase.

Behind this term reminiscent of a disaster movie hides a global health issue, that of bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics, and thus potential sources of uncontrollable epidemics.

To bring attention to the state of antibiotic-resistant diseases in the USA, researchers from multiple institutions, including the National Institutes of Health, published a review of medical literature in the Journal for the American Medical Association on Monday.

Only three other health issues have been the subject of general assembly high-level meetings: HIV/Aids, non-communicable diseases and Ebola.


Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt added: “Antimicrobial resistance is perhaps our biggest global health threat – it could nullify the progress of over a century of modern medicine and kill millions”. We need to stop using these drugs to satisfy our desire for cheap meat, milk and eggs.

CDC Study Finds Increased Use of Powerful Antibiotics at US Hospitals