
Walker, Rubio Share Their Plans To Replace Obamacare

The rate has substantially increased since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.


AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for the Walker campaign, said the Wisconsinite’s plan was “getting rave reviews from the conservative movement” and defended it against Jindal’s attack.

If a Republican wins the White House next year, the repeal of ObamaCare is just a matter of time-and it likely will happen sooner rather than later.

“I’m not intimidated”, he said Tuesday during a speech at Cass Screw Machine Products in Brooklyn Center, Minn. A shorter plan offered by Republican candidate Marco Rubio, for example, shares key elements with Walker’s plan. “I would say the gentleman from Louisiana protesteth too much“, he said, arguing that Jindal’s plan “is only a little bit less DC-centric” than Walker’s. And states, not the federal government, would decide the minimum level of benefits that need to be provided in health insurance plans.

“That’s going to light a fire under Congress”, he said.

He already has promised to scrap the Iran nuclear deal on his first day in office. Now, it’s “put up or shut up time“. “I call it the Day One Patient Freedom Plan”. Actually, it will help all Americans, but that still doesn’t make it a bad thing.

He said while Republicans wouldn’t have the 60 votes needed to repeal, GOP lawmakers could deploy a legislative method called the reconciliation process, which only requires a majority in the upper chamber, that Democratic members used to pass the law in the first place. Skelley also said the campaign wanted to show substance, and the plan accomplishes that.

Walker’s move can be considered very smart from a political point of view.

The Walker plan starts by repealing Obamacare and sweeping away the regulations that mandate what kind of coverage one receives that Walker says has caused the cost of health insurance to skyrocket. They would enable individuals and families to quickly and easily evaluate their options and make informed choices about their own health care.

“Walker’s supposed plan is not serious health policy“. Most also appear to also apply to Rubio’s, although his is such a sketchy description it’s hard to be certain about all of them.

However, the paper reported, Walker’s plan “does not include cost figures or an estimate of the number of people who would be covered, making it almost impossible to compare with current law”. As Democrats fight to keep President Obama’s namesake legislation, 2016 Republican Presidential candidates have been fighting against ObamaCare, but not as many have come up with an alternative.

Walker plans to introduce other proposals in the weeks ahead. A July poll from USA Today revealed that 45% of Americans approve of the Affordable Care Act, while 44% do not.

“No one”, Walker writes, “would see their premiums jump because of a health issue” – so long as the individual maintains “continuous, creditable coverage”. Instead, Walker would provide tax credits to anyone who does not have employer-sponsored coverage. Walker’s plan would just expand and strengthen that approach in the individual market.

“There’s a lot in here that borrows from the ACA but renames it something else”, Friedsam said.

It would, for instance, allow people to buy health coverage from insurers outside their states. Under his proposal, Americans could purchase insurance across state lines.

The chief difference in Walker’s plan is setting up block grants for needy families on Medicaid.

The result is that many Americans who were previously happy with their coverage suddenly find themselves paying substantially more for policies they either can not use or can not afford to use. “To offset these improvements”, the plan says,”we would simplify and reform how the federal government helps people access health insurance”.


“We allow people to buy health insurance anywhere, in any state out there”.

GOP Obamacare Alternatives Take Shape