
Jeb Bush doubles down on ‘anchor baby’ remark

The rhetorical shift testifies to the apparent difficulty of appealing to immigration hawks who have rallied to Donald Trump without turning off Hispanic voters – a tension that Bush appeared to feel during Thursday’s exchange.


“I want it to be so beautiful because maybe someday they’re going to call it the Trump wall”, he said. I – I don’t know.

A new poll shows Vice President Joe Biden is viewed as more trustworthy and has higher favorability ratings than former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in three key swing states.

“Mr. Trump doesn’t have a proven conservative record”, he said.

“This whole immigration debate is hurtful for a lot of people, really hurtful”, Bush told reporters Thursday.

Bush spoke in Merrimack to a room full of veterans and other New Hampshire Republicans, just minutes away from where Trump was holding another town hall-style event in Derry. Trump, Bush said, “was a Democrat longer in the last decade than he was a Republican“.

Trump also told Cuomo he’d he’d warn the Pope that ISIS is out to get him if they meet next month.

Jeb Bush and Donald Trump are actually agreeing for once.

The survey also found Marco Rubio performing stronger than Bush and Trump against Clinton in general election match-ups in the three states. He’s right down the road from you here. “Very small crowd. …”

After admitting that he had cried in office once out of joy, he added, “Look, you don’t know the Bushes, we’re like crybabies”. Trump requested. “They’re sleeping”.

“Look, the language [in Trump’s immigration proposal] is pretty vitriolic, for sure”, he said.

Bush sought to fire back on Wednesday night but adopted a more confident, combative tone on Thursday.

Bush said he believes there should be greater enforcement against pregnant mothers who cross the border to have children who then gain U.S. citizenship, referring to those children as “anchor babies”.

Bush on Wednesday criticized Trump’s immigration platform, arguing that it’s “not a conservative plan” because it would cost tens of billions of dollars to carry out. “I have fought for Republican and conservative causes all of my adult life”.

RUSH: I think Jeb was talking about going into Iraq via ISIS, right? Trump, as he has previously, called Bush’s comment that Iraqis want to know the United States has “skin in the game” in the fight against the Islamic State “one of the dumber things I’ve heard ever in politics”. The survey includes 477 Republicans with a margin of error of +/- 4.5 percent and 345 Democrats with a margin of error of +/- 5.3 percent.


Trump, the billionaire businessman who has become the unexpected leader of the 17-candidate GOP field in recent polls, blasted his chief rival as being too low-key for the White House.

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