
Meacher backs ‘tornado’ Corbyn

Chorley MP Lindsay Hoyle was on holiday and unavailable for comment.


Brand endorsed Ed Miliband before May’s general election after interviewing the Labour leader at his home in north London.

She said: “I haven’t made that proposal and none of the other candidates have made that to me”.

Mr Jahjah published a blog in response to Mr Corbyn’s words, saying: “I am like Mr Corbyn a socialist, and we do share similar values”.

“Our hearts can be broken and yet it is worse to find out we are powerless to do anything about it”.

“What’s more, in all actuality, it just helps the Tories by keeping Labor married to obsolete arrangements whilst the individuals we look to serve proceed onward and move away”.

Speaking at the People’s History Museum in Manchester, he said: “Labour can’t hark back to 70s or 80s style solutions but instead needs to open its mind to radical ideas of this kind that could reinvigorate our democracy at a local level and lift the lives of millions”.

( The U.K.’s Jewish Chronicle newspaper has sounded the alarm over the impending election of Member of Parliament Jeremy Corbyn as the next head of the Labour Party and British opposition leader, asking Corbyn to prove he is not “an enemy of Britain’s Jewish community”.

“We have to encourage the Parliamentary Labour Party to be part of that process and not to stand in the way of democratising the party and empowering the party members”, he added.

“Even if we selected a raving alcoholic sex paedophile we wouldn’t lose Grimsby”, Mr Mitchell had said.

Mr Corbyn’s supporters, meanwhile, said the British political class is “frozen with fear” at the prospect of his victory and claimed a smear campaign is under way to stop him. The Labour leadership favourite has become increasingly tetchy with the media after facing questions about his links to a Holocaust denier, as well as being the subject of criticism from a host of former Labour bigwigs.

I will be interested in the view of our two MPs who are supporting either Andy Burnham or Yvette Cooper.

Green Party member Karl Leys says he is “pleasantly surprised” to see a left-wing candidate gaining support, but cautioned his own party against getting carried away.

He added: “I’m sorry, I don’t know who this person is”. The candidates for deputy are Ben Bradshaw, Stella Creasey, Caroline Flint, Tom Watson and Angela Eagle.


The special programme, which will come live from The Sage in Gateshead on Thursday, 3 September, is your chance to put the contenders on the spot about what they stand for.

Jeremy Corbyn is favourite to be the next Labour leader