
The woman who said she helped take down ex-Subway Spokesman Jare

Herman said Fogle even asked her if she’d install hidden cameras in her own children’s rooms for him to watch them.


Herman said that she had more encounters with Fogle through the years, and he repeatedly talked about having sex with underage girls, saying that it “was something that he just really, really enjoyed”.

Rochelle Herman-Walrond, a former radio host, said she met him while he was making an appearance in 2007 in Sarasota.

“Gender didn’t make a difference to him, the younger the better”.

She says that though authorities determined there were 14 underage victims as a part of this case, she suspects there were many more from his travels as a Subway spokesman and during trips to Thailand. Herman was so freaked out that she contacted the authorities.

The disturbing allegations against Jared Fogle keep on coming. “I actually was questioning, ‘Did I really just hear what I think I heard?’ I looked over at my cameraman … and he was just astounded”, she said.

“Most importantly, Jared understands that he has hurt innocent people, vulnerable people, and his family”.

When she reported her concerns to the FBI, she says they had her work with them in an undercover investigation of Fogle for several years. “I felt that I had gotten as much information as I could for the Federal Bureau of Investigation and they say the toll that it was taking on me”.

It was those conversations, Herman-Walrond said, that eventually led to charges being brought against Fogle.

Fogle is accused of distributing and receiving child pornography and conspiracy to distribute as well as engaging in illicit sexual conduct with minors, according to court documents.

PHOTO:Former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle leaves the Federal Courthouse in Indianapolis, August 19, 2015 following a hearing on child-pornography charges.

In another interview with Inside Edition, Herman said that she recorded their phone conversations.

Jared Fogle credited Subway for his weight loss. The plea agreement provides $1.4 million in restitution to the victims, or $100,000 each.

“I had to play a role”.

In a statement Wednesday, Subway said it had previously ended its partnership with Fogle and added that his “actions are inexcusable and do not represent our brand’s values”.


Under the plea deal, the government agrees to recommend less than 13 years in prison for Fogle. She said, “It took everything I had to do what I needed to do”.

'Bear, a black Labrador who can detect electronics is going to work for the Seattle Police Dept