
O’Malley takes jabs at Trump in front of Trump Tower

On Wednesday, a gathering outside of the Trump global Hotel was organized by Democratic presidential candidate and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, ahead of a larger protest planned for Friday.


Governor Martin O’Malley holds a media conference outside of Trump global before his address to the 59th Annual Nevada AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention.

LAS VEGAS (AP) – Democratic presidential hopeful Martin O’Malley on Wednesday called email allegations swirling around front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton a distraction and said the party is making a mistake if it lets it define the nomination contest.

Time magazine is reporting that O’Malley’s campaign manager, Dave Hamrick, called Jeff Weaver, Sanders’ campaign manager, and had a conversation about whether or not the DNC has the authority to make decisions on the number of debates. In one section the NRA nonsensically links O’Malley to a judicial decision that overturned convictions for several murderers (emphasis original): “Moreover, in 2013, a ruling by the Maryland Supreme Court resulted in convicted murderers being released from one end of “The Free State” to the other, including more than a dozen killers in Baltimore alone“. But immigrant employees of the hotels that bear the Trump brand don’t agree, and are coming out of the woodwork in opposition to the presidential candidate.

Since launching his campaign May 30, O’Malley has stumped hard in Iowa but hasn’t made much headway in the polls or fundraising. Workers who make less than $250,000 but more than the existing limit ($118,500 this year) would pay the same amount in taxes. Democracy For America said the issue “should be a no-brainer for any 2016 Democratic candidate”.

As for Warren, she has pointedly declined to endorse Clinton until she embraces certain liberal priorities – among them Social Security.

“There are no two greater contrasts than an economy that works for all of us and the sort of economy that Donald Trump would seek to have the Republican party construct in the United States than this backdrop”, O’Malley said when asked by a reporter if the location he chose was an attempt to drum up attention.

O’Malley tied collective bargaining and union membership to wealth gaps in the U.S. saying “70 percent of us are earning the same or less than we were 10 years ago”.

The attacks are coming from many directions and it is starting to have an impact on the polls.

Khan said 51 percent of the union’s members are Latino, although its 55,000 members include men and women from 167 countries who speak over 40 languages.

Sanders’ “Feel the Bern” momentum and Donald Trump’s blustery, blazing rise are two sides of the same coin, O’Malley, 52, said in an interview with this newspaper Thursday after he took part in a civic technology panel discussion in San Francisco.

Not everyone at the hotel appears keen on joining the union. He said workers at his property have decided not to unionize. Culinary Union spokeswoman Bethany Khan says the hotel’s management hasn’t cooperated.


He dismissed the arguments that workers were not as well paid or treated and said this isn’t the first time the union has tried to organize the hotel’s workers.

Democrat Martin O'Malley to campaign outside Trump hotel