
Health officials explain head lice treatment

It’s still treatable, but the prescription medication for super lice acts differently. Researchers at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville recently discovered strains of lice that have evolved to resist pyrethroids, synthetic chemicals in over-the-counter medications commonly used to treat lice infestations. Lice do not jump or fly, they have to crawl. Started as a personal mission for Karen Franco who volunteered in programs attended by children to help screen for head lice in order to prevent outbreaks, Advice on Lice is where visitors receive comprehensive information on the condition.


A new strain of lice is becoming more resistant to traditional treatment.

Some experts say today’s super lice have been able to alter their egg-laying and hatching cycles to avoid conventional treatment schedules. She also treated their bedding, furniture and clothes.

“What’s really frustrating is that the school doesn’t report lice, so we could never trace the source”, said Hannah.

And unfortunately, the new school year has brought the danger back.

When it comes to offering top notch quality treatment for head lice in VA, Advice on Lice is the market leader.

So what should you do if you suspect lice?

She added, “Tell you child that if he or she takes their coat or sweatshirt off during recess, don’t make a pile of jackets”. Tested to eliminate head lice and nits completely, individuals can count on the lice treatment services being offered by the company.

It’s part of Simon’s job to check kids’ hair for lice. These are sometimes recommended as extra measures to be used in conjunction with medications.


Barton says the head lice problem doesn’t get any worse with the start of a school year, but we do pay more attention to it this time of year. “School nurses are an excellent resource for children and their families. They move 9 inches per minute on a hair shaft”, Nancy Gordon of Lice Knowing You says. Of the various reasons for this condition, presence of head lice can be a worrying one.

Health officials explain head lice treatment