
Donald Trump speaks against ‘birthright citizenship’ in the US

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who reversed his position in April on allowing a chance for legal status for those in the country illegally, gave mixed answers this week when asked about ending birthright citizenship.


It’s his assertion that he would amend the 14th Amendment to end birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants that’s making the most noise, however.

Trump says he would send undocumented immigrants and their children back to the countries they came from. Trump said the wall would be made of “beautiful, nice precast plank with handsome everything”.

Jorge Ramos has read Donald Trump’s plan for immigration reform, and he’s not impressed.

We can’t have a situation where our labor is so much more expensive than other countries’ that we can no longer win“.

Trump has summarized his immigration plan in three core principles: (1) secure the southern border by building a wall, (2) enforce the laws that have been passed, and (3) improve jobs, wages, and security for all Americans.

But for the candidate who famously alluded to getting his military policy ideas from the Sunday political shows, any policy proposals are an easy target for other GOP hopefuls, who are eager to break Trump’s lead in national polls.

Ramos says Trump’s proposal leaves many questions unanswered. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, meanwhile, introduced an amendment in 2011 that would have restricted birthright citizenship.

I will build the greatest wall that you’ve ever seen”, he said. On FOX News, Trump said, “I don’t think they have American citizenship“. What I want Mexico to do is really cooperate in stopping the inflow of immigrants and instability at the border. Kasich did advise that he had not yet reviewed Trump’s plan in its entirety.

“What happens is, they’re in Mexico, they’re going to have a baby, they move over here for a couple of days, they have the baby”, Trump said, telling O’Reilly that the lawyers said, “It’s not going to hold up in court, it’s going to have to be tested”. George W. Bush was helped in the tight election of 2000 by winning a third of Latino voters and did even better in 2004, getting around 40%.

Trump also proposed a temporary freeze on issuing new green cards, calling for “a pause where employers will have to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed immigrant and native workers”.


For more on Trump’s crusade to destroy the 14th amendment, we turn to anchors Tom Storey and Briana Lane on today’s episode of The Desk.

Republican presidential candidate and US Senator Marco Rubio greets fairgoers while touring the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines Iowa yesterday