
Florida gun range given green light to serve alcohol, food

City commissioners in Daytona Beach, Fla., approved a measure nearly unanimously that will allow for the opening of a 12-lane gun range connected to a restaurant that will serve alcohol.


Commissioners suggested that Perkinson would not have a way of detecting whether or not guns were brought into the restaurant by those who’ve obtained a concealed carry permit, and Perkinson responded that he would install metal detectors if the commissioners deemed it necessary.

“Guns, whether you’re planning to have a drink afterwards or not, will not be allowed in the café area at all”, he said.

While submitting the proposal, business owner Ron Perkinson and partner Edward Staudt went over the measures they would take to ensure safety and order was maintained in their store. He assures that patrons are only served alcohol after their guns are locked up for the day.

The owners also promised they would keep a watch list of customers who cause trouble and call police when necessary.

But the commissioners came around to the project after business owner Ron Perkinson reassured them by strict safety rules he said he’ll implement to keep alcohol and guns separate. CBS News reports just one of the commissioners queried the logic of the proposal. Only one, Commissioner Ruth Trager, voted against the range and restaurant’s application over concerns about determining whether or not potential customers are sober, felons or both.


“It’s a very unique opportunity”, said Gilliland, whose zone will include the new venture. He concluded that similar businesses have “proven in other parts of the country it’s safe”. He said those people will not be allowed to shoot if they’re drinking.

Volusia Top Gun a 12lane gun range and restaurant will be allowed to serve alcohol