
O’Malley ‘Pathetic Baby’ for ‘All Lives Matter’ Apology

“It’s great that Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders are both campaigning on this message”, Stephanie Taylor, co-founder of Progressive Change Campaign Committee, said in a statement.


Martin O’Malley addresses the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. on September 4, 2012.

“O’Malley has no name recognition, no money, and the only time recently he’s gotten any kind of media coverage was during the problems in Baltimore”, said Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, a University of Southern California political expert.

Democratic presidential hopeful Martin O’Malley is hitching his presidential wagon Wednesday to the Republican frontrunner Donald Trump.

And in a subsequent email blast to more than 1 million members, the group called on Clinton to endorse a similar approach. To secure these freedoms for older Americans, he created Social Security, committing our nation to the idea that – after a life of hard labor – no elderly American should be forced to languish in poverty.

Sen. Warren (D-MA), a progressive darling, has been making waves since 2013 for suggesting that Social Security benefits should be expanded, and pushing back on the popular notion that they should be cut or even eliminated. Barack Obama for offering a proposal similar to Sanders’ in which income over $250,000 would be subject to the payroll tax. Right now those taxes are capped, so that they only apply to the first $118,500 of a worker’s income. O’Malley is 52, Clinton is 67 and Sanders is 73.

As Democrats, it is time to stand up for our values and call for the expansion of Social Security for all beneficiaries. Social Security actuaries project that under Sanders’s proposal, the system’s trust fund would be exhausted in 50 years, rather than 20, as shown in the chart below.

The real estate developer said O’Malley’s attempt at being “politically correct” was actually “politically incorrect”.

O’Malley’s plan comes as Democrats are mounting a more and more aggressive defense of Social Security in the face of conservative efforts to raise the retirement age and partially privatize the program, among other measures.

Speaking alongside hotel workers and leaders of the Culinary Workers Union Local 226, O’Malley spoke about higher wages for workers and recognizing their right to organize.


As he has in past papers, including on immigration and Wall Street oversight, O’Malley has demonstrated a willingness to get into the weeds on the issue – a reflection of the policy-wonk image his campaign hopes to portray. Third Way has been consistently and demonstrably wrong about Social Security and the retirement challenges facing America’s working population in the past, so it’s not surprising they’re wrong again here.

Londonderry NH and Democratic presidential candidate Martin OMalley speaks on, 14 2015 in New York City