
Newspaper mistakes Baldwin for Trump

“Everybody, come on! Lay off President Trump”, Putin said.


Baldwin’s appearance on Saturday Night Live was 17th as guest host.

This rating was also bigger than when President Trump hosted the show in 2015, which brought in an overnight rating of 6.6.

Trump has frequently tweeted aboutSaturday Night Live, saying in December, for example: ‘Just tried watching Saturday Night Live – unwatchable!

The only other reference Baldwin made to his Trump impression was a photo showed as an SNL bumper.

It was Trump versus the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, who Baldwin-as-Trump called “so-called judges” and defended the ban with “bad dudes, bad hombres” and “bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do”. With a wad of chewing gum as thick as his Rhode Island accent, McCarthy’s Spicer tore up the White House press briefing room once again by steering his motorized podium right into the fake news journalists assembled before him.

“Nevertheless, she persisted” has basically become a gift-wrapped campaign slogan for Warren, so we can probably expect to see McKinnon’s bespectacled portrayal even more often in the future. This is a pitch ideal parody of Fatal Attraction, and Kate McKinnon does an incredible job of staying in character as her dead-eyed impression of Kellyanne Conway, but also doing some real acting along with it.

Despite assuring reporters that he would remain calm, McCarthy’s Spicer clearly remained agitated when asked questions.

President Donald Trump said “see you in court” – and “Saturday Night Live” obliged.

The commander-in-chief once said that the show was “not funny” and had “terrible” casting. In a digital short illogically reserved for the tail-end of the episode, Leslie Jones dressed up as Trump to audition for the part in front of Lorne Michaels. She says “no”, it’s just about her getting to play the President.


“Those aren’t jokes, they are inappropriate, they turn off people”.

This screen grab of the Friday Feb. 10 2017 version of Dominican Republics El Nacional print edition shows comedian Alec Baldwin doing his impression of President Donald Trump