
Google integrates Twitter into its desktop search results

It’s a little while since Google and Twitter announced a partnership that saw the integration of tweets into search results.


Real-time tweets served alongside Google search results? This addition was implemented in the mobile Google Search console this morning, and is rolling out to desktop interfaces throughout the day.

“Typing “#ashleymadisonhack” pulls up tweets using the hashtag, while searching for “techradar” will pull up yours truly’s account.

Google also gave the example of searching for a famous birthday. Including real time events in search results is not new for Google, but Twitter integration adds a new dimension. Currently, there is no advertising component to showing Tweets in the organic results.

The roll-out for this app began this morning on in English for mobile browsers. It was, and is, a pretty big deal for both companies.


While we have seen Google’s advertisements grow richer and more interesting over the years, placing sponsored video ads in the search results is quite a step up. Google suggests that they’re bringing this functionality to more languages soon. Twitter isn’t required for people to see the tweets; those who click through while not being signed onto Twitter will be taken to the network’s logged out experience.

Google Testing Sponsored Video Ads in Search Results Too