
Shark attack victim helped her friend despite being bitten

ABC News reports that Kaley Szarmack was enjoying an afternoon at Jacksonville Beach, Florida, on Wednesday when a 3-foot-long shark took a bite out of her leg as she was standing in waist-deep water.


It was the second shark bite this summer at Jacksonville Beach.

Also last June, a 10-year-old boy was attacked by a shark that bit his calf in the water off Daytona Beach on Florida’s northeast coast, though in that case the injuries were not serious.

She turned and yelled to her friend get out of the water!

The girl, Kaley Szarmack, was taken to Wolfson Children’s Hospital where she received 90 stitches for a 4- to 5-inch gash on two sides of her leg below the knee.

After being attacked, Kaley saw the shark in the water and turned to warn a friend who was located nearby, her father, Dave Szarmack, told station WJXT-TV in Jacksonville. “She is very skinny, too, shouldn’t have a lot of meat or anything on her. So I was like, ‘Oh gosh.’ So it kind of freaked me out”, Kaley said.


Police say the bite resulted in “several large lacerations”.

Report 15yearold bit on hand leg by shark in South Carolina