
World Mental Health Day brings workers’ wellbeing into focus

“From this group, 43 per cent suffer from a mental illness, up from 39 per cent in November past year”.


The pledge is backed by corporates like Red Bull as well as startups and states: “We pledge to create an open environment where mental health is supported, and people can bring their full selves to work”.

Royal College of Global Positioning System chair, Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, said: “Older people are potentially vulnerable and we have to be careful that we don’t normalise depression and anxiety as a routine part of ageing. That is the reason we have developed these 45-minute training sessions, which should meet the needs of all organisations and support their employees”.

At YoungMinds, we work with young activists and families to campaign on mental health.

In Nigeria, there are no data on financial losses to businesses resulting from poor mental health of employees.

For this year’s World Mental Health Day, we launched a Workplace Wellbeing Toolkit illustrating a strategic step-by-step process to achieving this “whole organisational approach”, providing a suite of resources to help facilitate this. “We want to capture their feedback – both positive and negative on the effectiveness of current practices and discuss any potential barriers to improving services for people with mental illness, ADHD and Autism”.

Better mental health support in workplaces could save £8 billion a year for United Kingdom businesses.

Nationally we have seen a reduction in the number of psychiatric hospital beds, while the number of people in need of a bed has risen. The reality is that destigmatisation of mental health is still sorely needed and employees naturally feel more comfortable talking about their energy levels and the concept of feeling flat or lethargic than they do about their mental health.

There should be a clear grievance process and ways of seeking redress when things go wrong. The common causes of stress at workplace include excessive work, lack of work-life balance, low income, lack of growth opportunities, long nights and unclear expectations. There should be access to stress management courses, occupational health services and to mental health specialists, preferably outsourced. However, it would be impossible for the employer to provide support if nothing is disclosed. “However, we never associate a person being sick to a mental health issue”, CEO Satish Kannan said in the statement.

Today is World Mental Health Day and for the second year running, Lyons Tea is partnering with Pieta House, the Centre for Suicide, Self-Harm Prevention and Suicide Bereavement Services, to encourage more people to talk openly about their mental wellbeing.

He urged employers to use the committee as a forum to raise issues on the mental health of their workers. With this in mind, I have something to share with you: I have in the recent past been through a period of depression and anxiety.


She said: “When I first got help with my mental health problems I found it really hard to open up to friends and family”.

Stefan Rousseau  PA Archive