
Thousands attend Donald Trump rally

Donald Trump’s latest outburst adds to a string of populist policies, including his plan to build a wall on the southern border to shut out illegal Mexican immigrants.


“Unworkable”, “silly” and “bizarre”.

The real estate mogul and reality TV star has been called previously for jury duty but didn’t appear.

I’m gonna have to scare the pope because it’s the only thing”, Trump said.

What Trump and other candidates should be contemplating: How a crackdown on illegal immigration over the past decade has already harmed the U.S. economy and specifically the country’s food supply.

As the GOP political race continues to pick up, Trump has received more and more headline coverage. “I think he appeals to us Southerners because he tells it like it is and he has strong opinions”.

She also likes that Trump is pro-Israel. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Dick Durbin, D-Ill. And it may mark a very, very risky turning point in the Republican presidential primary.

Santorum also said he would eliminate “sanctuary cities”, which have policies to shelter illegal immigrants, by withholding federal funds from them.

Many farm workers are immigrants.

“If an employer can pay lower wages, wouldn’t they?” “Businesses are not philanthropic”. This hampers U.S. productivity, some experts have said.

Who are the women behind those numbers? Taxes. Health care. Retirement security.

He is certainly popular, says Martin Pengelly in The Guardian.

Kidd said Trump is a “breath of fresh air”, and praised him as a businessman with common sense.

Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, likes the welfare protections and entry-exit system ideas. He called the program inaccurate and intrusive.

In order to deal with the deportation of more than 11 million people, Trump plans to triple to number of ICE officers. Not like a moratorium on all green cards….

Santorum is equally extreme on immigration.

But Trump and some other conservatives have suggested birthright citizenship could be ended by simply passing a law through Congress that defines the clause “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof“.

It’s not insane. That’s a reasonable thing on the table.

A number of pundits and other candidates seeking the presidential nomination contend Trump’s stand on immigration will turn Hispanic citizens against the Republican Party. “There is aspiration. They want to emulate him, because he is showing that the American Dream is possible”.

“Donald Trump has a lot of work to do in defining the kinds of issues that you know are important to women and then telling us what he’s going to do specifically, Reem said”.

And while the wild raptor proved hard to keep in line, photographer Martin Schoeller admits Trump and his signature “blue steel” gaze remained unchanged in every single frame.

Similarly, Rubio and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fioria both disagreed in making changes to the 14 amendment.

When his closest Republican competitor Jeb Bush used the term “anchor babies” in an interview this week, it sparked a side controversy.


US presidential candidate Donald Trump has lashed Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg for lobbying politicians to boost the immigration of foreign technology workers. “He seems like a pretty good guy”, Trump said. “Trump has the leadership meant for the job”. But Ruiz noted that some tech companies have struggled to find workers with the right skill sets.

Donald Trump