
Total of 4880 votes cast in early primary voting in Chatham County

Jenkins is a second-term congressman, a former state lawmaker and former executive director of the West Virginia State Medical Association.


Granville County is showing an equally poor turnout, with 2,234 of its 38,466 registered voters casting ballots as of Friday.

This is a year when we have some offices with significant local impact on the ballot.

In non-presidential election years, such as this year, the primary is held on the third Tuesday in May.

We do not care for New Mexico’s current primary system. A significant number of election mailers sent to homes in the burn zones were returned unopened because residents had not provided an updated mailing address, Rousseau said. Arkansans will also choose judges, including a state Supreme Court justice. Anyone who is in line to vote at the poll closing time is entitled to vote.

CALIFORNIA-Monday is the first day that Californian’s are allowed to vote by mail if you have a ballot. Previously known as partisan offices, voter-nominated offices are state legislative offices, USA congressional offices, and state constitutional offices.

During that incident, a worker counting votes did not clear a machine, causing more than 3,000 votes to be counted twice, causing incorrect voting totals to be reported to local media.

Write-in candidates for voter-nominated offices can only run in the primary election.

For those planning on voting on Election Day be sure to head to the correct voting precinct in order to cast your vote.

“It’s been exciting getting ready for this election”, said Brooks.


If you see or experience voter fraud or intimidation while voting, call Mingo Clerk Jim Hatfield’s office at 304-235-0330. Parties also elect officers of official party committees at a partisan primary. If you cannot provide that information, you can still vote, but your vote won’t be counted unless you bring one of the above listed items to the board of elections.

Ready to vote in NC's primaries? Here's your guide