
Senate Reportedly Probing Another Allegation of Misconduct Against Kavanaugh

That corresponds to a period of time when Kavanaugh was working for Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, investigating then-President Bill Clinton’s illicit sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.


Mr Kavanaugh has said he “categorically and unequivocally” denies the allegation.

He also complained about a “political hit” after she told a dramatic Senate hearing on Thursday she was “100 per cent certain” he did it.

Kavanaugh is scheduled to testify Thursday at a hearing in front of the panel, which will also hear from Ford, who has accused the Supreme Court nominee of assaulting her at a party decades ago when they were both teenagers.

Supreme Court appointments must be confirmed by the Senate, and Trump’s fellow Republicans control the chamber by a narrow 51-49 margin. Cory Gardner, postmarked Saturday but bearing no name, signature or return address. Trump’s message when he spoke with Kavanaugh, a source familiar with the call said, was to be aggressive and forceful in his denials, and not afraid to push back on the allegations.

Here are all the ways to watch the Brett Kavanaugh hearing.

In the letter, dated Saturday, Sept. 22, the constituent claimed that in 1998, while Kavanaugh was authoring the Kenneth Starr report ― which laid the grounds for impeaching former President Bill Clinton ― he was socializing at a D.C. bar with the constituent’s daughter and four friends.

“She knew Brett. She knew who she was dealing with”, Guerry said. They say the good-guy image he projects in public bears little relation to the hard-partying behaviour they witnessed when he was young. “The justice system is not all we can count on for people to be protected”.

“This is ridiculous and from the twilight zone”, Kavanaugh said in a statement. “When I did, Brett put his hand over my mouth to stop me from yelling”, she said.

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and all the Judiciary Committee’s Democrats have called on Kavanaugh to withdraw in light of the allegations, and said if he does not, an FBI investigation is needed before any Senate confirmation vote. New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, both Democrats, were in the audience.

“Judge Kavanaugh is being considered for a promotion”, reads a statement signed by all 10 Committee Democrats. By Wednesday night the claim had been retracted. There was Trump denying people had laughed at him during his recent the United Nations address (they did laugh at him) and calling a member of Congress from California “little Adam Schiff”.

Thursday’s hearing comes as two other named individuals have levied allegations against Kavanaugh. But I was not ideal in those days, just as I am not flawless today.

On his message for young men, Mr Trump said: “It’s a very unsafe period in our country, and it’s being perpetrated by some very evil people”.

Another woman in a story published Sunday by The New Yorker also has accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct from their time at Yale University.


Christine Blasey Ford appeared in public for the first time to detail her allegation against Kavanaugh, a conservative federal appeals court judge chosen by President Donald Trump for a lifetime job on the top USA court.

Here’s what to expect at the Kavanaugh Ford hearing