
Jeb Bush’s Super PAC Has a Bad Photoshop Moment

That doesn’t really explain the issue, as there are hundreds of images from which the Super PAC could have chosen on their own… that aren’t African American men.


Scrutiny over the pro-Bush Right to Rise USA pamphlet only bubbled up shortly after the group uploaded their work to Twitter on Thursday.

‘Mysterious hand revealed. Meant to use Valencia. The original campaign leaflet was sent by the Right to Rise USA Super PAC to some 86,000 Iowans, as Bush seeks to raise his game amid lackluster polling in the first-in-the-nation caucuses state.

But when asked by CBS News whether the organization had superimposed Bush’s head on another person’s body, Right to Rise spokesman Paul Lindsay said “no” – it was indeed Bush’s body.

Fellow 2016 Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush tried to steal Donald Trump’s thunder in Mobile, Alabama, on Friday, but the move proved to be full of hot air. Bush’s campaign has not commented on the leaflet.

The Federal Election Commission lists the Super PAC as based in Los Angeles. That sounds like something a Super PAC should be doing, right?


It also couldn’t properly complete the Photoshop job.

The Jeb Bush PAC Mailer That Drew So Many Offhanded Remarks