
Fat-shaming campaign ‘#ThinnerBeauty’ Photoshops women to look thinner

The creators target supposedly ‘plus-sized women including celebrities Melissa McCarthy, Meghan Trainor and Rebel Wilson, as well as lingerie catalogue models and feminist activists.


Several of the photos use plus-size model Tess Holiday’s image without her consent who has spoken out against this campaign.

But contrary to many media reports, the hashtags #SkinnyAppreciation, #SkinnyAcceptance and #ThinnerBeauty weren’t started by ‘thinspo’ enthusiasts with unhealthy body image issues.

A Fb consumer heading the web page ” has come beneath scanner for Photoshopping pictures of plus-sized fashions to make them look slim.

‘You made these women look anorexic which in ITSELF is unhealthy and a psychological illness… there isn’t 1 post on here that promotes how to be healthy not one clean eating post… how about you show success stories to support your notion that thin is better or fitter as you so obviously put it?

Meghan Trainor might be a lot more popular if she was what the industry wanted her to be!” the administrator of the page captioned an image of the Grammy-nominated singer.

Hearteningly, the group doesn’t appear to have much of a Twitter following yet, but the Facebook group had more than 10,000 likes before it was removed.

“You must really hate something about yourselves to degrade and fat shame women you know nothing about”.

Jen McQuaile, the director of Straight/Curve, a documentary about plus-size models, told the Daily Mail she was horrified to see some of the models from her film featured on the page.

Seeing these women as those the rest of us can relate to is comforting and just seems normal.

“It is utterly appalling on so many levels”.

On a personal note, we have done a fair amount of work relating to body positivity in my studio.


The Internet is up in arms at Project Harpoon, a Facebook page where images of larger ladies are Photoshopped to what the owners of that page believe are more acceptable dimensions. Unfortunately this is not because WoW is an empathetic utopia in which men play women to better understand their experiences and perspectives; WoW merely offers men another opportunity to control an objectified, simulated female body.

#Kleanse Spotlight: Plus-Size Model Tess Holliday Slams Disgusting Body