
Cruz opposes ‘birthright citizenship’

But in a sign that it is still early in the presidential race, with more than five months before the first votes in the primary process are cast and almost 15 months before election day, a whopping 43 per cent of respondents said they had never heard of Fiorina.


“I think that’s something we should – yeah, absolutely, going forward.”

There is a literal crime wave going on. In New Hampshire Wednesay he talked about building what he calls a attractive wall. It can have a door.

Bill O’Reilly interviews Donald Trump. What I want Mexico to do is really cooperate in stopping the inflow of immigrants and instability at the border. The strongest part of your immigration plan in my opinion is the wall.

Bush also pushed back on the birthright citizenship issue, telling CBS News, “That’s a constitutional right and Mr. Trump can say that he’s for this because people are frustrated that it’s abused. “I’ll be very proud of that wall”.

Santorum said there are 14th Amendment legal arguments on both sides. If you’re born here, you’re an American – period!

Marco Rubio hit back against Trump today, saying that he doubts that Trump’s policies could ever become legislation.

“It’s not going to hold up in court”, Trump said on The Factor Tuesday. “People put up a ladder that they buy at Home Depot and they jump and that’s the end of it”. We have no law.

He added that he would toughen deportation and only allow a few, which he calls the good ones. “Why don’t you have your guys file a federal suit now?” Do you envision that? “I’ll certainly know if that eventuality ever comes, but I don’t anticipate dealing with that problem”. Certainly, perhaps probably the most vital storyline over the last 72 hours has-been the conversation in that Donald Trump started when he unveiled his immigration plan – ending birthright citizenship for the kids of undocumented immigrants born in america. “Our country is going to hell”.


More than half of those polled (58%) still say the Republican party would have a better chance at taking back the White House in 2016 with someone other than Trump as the presidential nominee. This clause gives the so-called “anchor babies” automatic citizenship, the Christian Science Monitor explains.

Donald Trump