
Marco Rubio Unveils Economic Plan in Detroit

First-term Floridian Senator Marco Rubio is scheduled to speak at the Detroit Economic Club at 11:30 a.m. on Aug. 20. It also creates a $2,500 child tax credit and replace the standard deduction and personal exemption with a refundable personal credit.


No city understands the vision and toil it took to build the American Century better than Detroit. “Our whole purpose is to give people a sense that the American dream is still alive, and that we all can rise”. The DNC said the pair would be worse off due to Rubio’s opposition to raising the minimum wage, beefing up equal pay protections, and his support for repealing Obamacare (which would rescind protections on preexisting conditions), and raising the Social Security retirement age. But for Republicans, four years removed from an election cycle in which their nominee – the son of a former Michigan governor – was pilloried as an out-of-touch plutocrat, Detroit now serves as the backdrop of choice to road-test a revamped message acknowledging economic inequality.

“Today, Washington is leading our entire nation in the direction of pre-crisis Detroit”, Rubio said. “I think we are blessed to have so many good people running”.

“Michiganders know that without the auto rescue the state would be in a depression”, said Dillon.

The only other candidate Rubio mentioned was Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, whom he criticized for relying on more regulations, higher taxes, and bigger government.

“I have people who are very conservative who dislike illegal immigration and want us to do something about it, but we have to be a sovereign country too”, Rubio said, before adding that “we have to have laws and if we don’t enforce our laws, our laws don’t count”.

Marco Rubio says he’s a new type of Republican – but all he’s done is champion the same failed GOP policies that folks like Danielle, David and millions of middle class families have suffered from”, said Christina Freundlich, a spokeswoman for the Democratic National Committee.


Florida Senator and Republican presidential candidate Sen.

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