
Barkley says he’s leaning toward Kasich for president

The Hall of Famer said while he nearly always votes for the Democratic candidate, if he had to cast his vote now it would go to Ohio Gov. John Kasich. “And right now I’m not getting that from the Democratic party”.


John Kasich has had a hard time differentiating himself from the Republican field.

In other news: A quick look at what the other presidential candidates are up to … Though he advocates traditional marriage, he accepts this summer’s Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide and recently attended a gay friend’s wedding. But 89 percent, 316 respondents, rated Kasich’s impact on education in Ohio as “extremely negative”. Not only are there other, more recognizable moderates, but John Kasich is basically the kind of entity that ghosts in and out of things like debates. What Kasich and his advisers figured out was that his identity would work well in this political environment, a counter-programming, if you will, to Donald Trump and his trail of imitators. As a defendant, Kasich argued to prevent Obergefell from being recorded as the surviving spouse on John Arthur’s death certificate as he deteriorated from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). “Kasich’s willingness to attend a wedding does nothing to improve the lives of LGBT Ohioans that he could protect”. Those are Kasich voters. “I would like to see Elizabeth Warren or the mayor of San Antonio [Julian Castro], those are the only two Democrats that I would vote for”.

Governor Kasich issued an executive order protecting stateemployees from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, but he neglected to include protections for state employees based on gender identity. He could also claim credit for attempting a turnaround of failing schools in Youngstown, Ohio. Ohio has been a hotbed of anti-abortion activity, and abortions are harder to get – more restricted, with fewer clinics – since Kasich took office.

“A pro-growth, inclusive conservative can win the nomination and, most importantly, put the Democrats on the defensive demographically”, Weaver wrote.

People who are outraged over Kasich’s joke misinterpreted the governor, according to Kasich spokesman Rob Nichols. The poll did not ask about potential contests with Mr. Kasich.

“I’ll tell you what the unions do, unfortunately, too much of the time”, he said at the New Hampshire Education Summit on Wednesday.


Barkley also criticized the man now leading the polls for the GOP primary: Donald Trump.

Bruce Bennett