
Movie Theater Chain May Check Customers’ Bags, Backpacks

Regal Cinemas is one of the country’s largest chains and announcing the new policy throughout its facilities. Signs are posted on their doors nationwide warning that if you have a bag or backpack, you may be subject to inspection.


They acknowledge this could be inconvenient, and it is not without flaws, but they hope they are minor in comparison to increased safety peace of mind, or invasion of privacy? “Especially in a movie theater”.

Regal Cinemas’ decision is not surprising, but it’s certainly disappointing on a number of levels. Georgetown 14 Cinemas agrees that safety is the top priority and will turn away people if they refuse their new security procedures.

There was also the question of whether the average movie-theater employee was qualified to search strangers for deadly weapons – and whether such a policy would be effective.

“We certainly support the movie theaters’ security efforts they’re putting into place and doing what they can to protect their guests and customers”, Wahl said.

It’s not clear when Regal added the security change, but it seems to have happened after a gunman killed two moviegoers in a theater in Lafayette, Louisiana, last month. Even more hard is the discussion of how theater chains should react to these events and the security measures that are required to prevent such tragedies from ever happening again.

“If there’s a deterrent – searching of backpacks, searching of purses, maybe that will stop the one person that may be on the fringe”, said Derr.

“Security issues have become a daily part of our lives in America”, the Web site reads.

The attacks came the same month that Colorado theater shooter James Holmes was sentenced to life in prison for murdering 12 and injuring an additional 70 at a midnight premiere of “The Dark Knight Rises” three years ago. It says the policy, which began August. Other cinema chains, including AMC and Cinemark declined to comment when asked about their bag check policies.

Secret Brown and Delta Best both enjoy movies.

Walking into some local theaters may be a little different for movie-goers.


“I think it’s a good thing, especially nowadays”. “What can I say?”

Patrons line up outside the Regal Entertainmentowned Edwards Valencia Stadium 12 back in for a showing of'Fifty Shades of Grey The theater chain has adopted the policy of searching bags and backpacks before allowing admission Signal file pho