
Ohio’s 5 percent unemployment rate is its lowest since 2001

The dip in Maine came as the national unemployment rate remained flat at 5.3 percent in July, compared with June. That’s still a long way from offsetting year-over-year unadjusted gains of 43,719 jobs – a growth rate of 1.5 percent. “You do the simple math on that and you’ll see that the unemployment rate will go up”, Connaughton said.


Statewide, wage and salary employment increased 30,700 to 1,945,600 from July 2014.

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in Los Angeles County slipped to 7.1 percent in…

Indiana has more private sector jobs than ever before, according to the state’s monthly employment report.

“The new figures mean that the speed at which Ohio is gaining jobs during an economic recovery continues to be alarmingly too slow.”

“We hear there is significant demand in virtually everything – from leisure and hospitality jobs, education and health care, professional and business services, manufacturing, construction and on up the line”. The past year has showed a slowing in what had been rapid payroll increases in Louisiana, as low oil prices and government budget struggles have dampened parts of the state’s economy. Meanwhile, logging and mining employers tacked on 300 jobs and information added 200. Government posted the largest decrease over the month, down 1,100 jobs.

A similar pattern – an increase in the unemployment rate between June and July, but lower rates than July 2014 – were reported in neighboring Madera, Merced and Tulare counties.

After pessimistic projections for job growth in the month of July, Governor Rick Scott announced that Florida added 16,900 jobs last month in a press conference in Naples on Friday.


Another state which is showing very healthy employment patterns is Indiana, as the state’s private sector has reached 2.61 million jobs in July. Moreover, such job creation has the potential tocontribute to the growing issue of underemployment – working fewer hours than one desires to work or being employed in a job that does not fully utilize the skills/training.

Ohio employment best since late 2001