
Amell Hints at New, Green “Arrow” Costume Debut at SummerSlam

He took Neville as his tag team partner, while Stardust recruited Barrett – who also feuded with Neville – to join him.


The two have engaged in a battle of tweets over the past few months, and it even resulted in an appearance of Amell on this past week’s Monday Night Raw, where Stardust stopped his match and approached Amell, hitting him in the head.

“You didn’t think I was coming without it, did ya?” he asked as he brought out the Arrow gear. That allowed Stardust to re-enter the match and attack a reeling Amell. That makes Stephen Amell 1-0 at SummerSlam and undefeated in his WWE career.

Check out his Facebook video here. He booted Stardust down, surprising the WWE’s Prince of Dark Matter. “I hope they are good with turnbuckles… and ramps”.

“If I didn’t believe it, we wouldn’t be talking right now!”

The hype cooled a bit when Stardust’s father, Dusty Rhodes, passed away in June, but quickly heated back up again once Stardust returned to WWE television. Amell lands on his feet from a backdrop and hits a hip toss. Stephen Amell comes out in just black tights and boots, not really a special entrance or anything.

Sunday’s SummerSlam clash was no different, and although losing to an actor doesn’t necessarily help Stardust and Barrett, the bout wasn’t a total lost cause in terms of building up stars who are on the full-time roster.

It’s still an interesting move, and probably not much of a needle-mover for WWE.


The WWE Superstar went on to say that he will inflict serious damage to Amell once the pay-per-view kicks in.

Recap Stephen Amell In Action At WWE SummerSlam