
Message in sand saves tourist lost in Australian bush

A British tourist has been rescued in the Australian wilderness after rescue workers spotted his SOS message on a river bank.


The retired mechanic was trying a shortcut back to camp within the 900-square-mile Jardine National Park in north Queensland when he got off target, leading him to last a troublesome ordeal with out food, water or shelter.

Barefoot and wearing only shorts, a t-shirt and a hat, at around 6pm Keys made the decision to return to his campsite after being unable to find Eliot Falls.

Geoff Keys, 63, wrote “HELP 2807” in giant lettering in the sand after getting lost in Jardine National Park, Queensland, for two days.

After going missing in a remote part of northern Australia, Geoff Keys’ disappearance prompted a huge helicopter search.

It was at this stage Mr Keys had the idea of writing SOS message “HELP”.

The tourist had swam down a river in a bid to find the falls, but opted against swimming back – deciding instead to cut across the dense undergrowth.

“Not once did I think I wouldn’t make it out of there”.

“I’d heard helicopters out that morning, so that said to me that – unless there’s some other fool who’d got themselves lost – they were out there looking for me”. He then came across stream and followed it, assuming it was the one that led back to the camp.

The only suitable spot was found about 600 metres from where Mr Keys was stranded, which meant Mr Foat had to dig through scrub and battle the outback before the rescue attempt could be complete.

‘I was stoked as this was the first good clue we had.

He chose to keep on swimming, despite being bounced around by rapids near sharp rocks.

“After three hours in thick bush, with darkness approaching, I had to stop”, he said. No reaction to my efforts.

“He came around again while I continued to jump up and down like a lunatic and this time someone waved to me out of the window”.

Geoff Keys and search and rescue co-ordinator Senior Constable Brad Foat meet up after the 63-year-old was released from hospital. “My ordeal was over”.

Sen. Const. Foat told him the rescue cost an estimated $800,000 and that he was the sixth person he had personally saved this year.

“It’s safe to say that I’m very grateful to everyone involved in my rescue”, finished Keys. “I feel stupid but lucky”.


He said he is sorry for causing any worry to his family and friends.

     THE WRITING IN THE SAND Geoff Keys life was saved after rescuers spotted his SOS message