
Abbas quits PLO leadership ahead of internal election

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas resigned Saturday as head of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Executive Committee in a bid to force new elections for the top body, an official said. Speaking by telephone, Erekat refused to elaborate about his or Abbas’ plans for re-election, saying only that “it will be up to the party”.


The PNC, which comprises both Palestinians living in the West Bank and the diaspora, last met in 2009 to nominate six members of the committee.

Wassel Abu Yussef said that more than half of the 18-member committee had also stepped down.

Abbas has faced questions about his legitimacy to rule within the Palestinian territories, where he was elected to what was originally meant to be a four-year term in 2005.

However, Abbas, after taking up his position in 2005, has since threatened to resign on several occasions.

The Palestinian National Council has called for a new election within 30 days to determine who will take over on the PLO’s executive committee, according to Al Arabiya News.


Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat was elected as the PLO’s secretary general before the announcement of Abbas’ resignation, he said.

Mahmoud Abbas to resign PLO leadership position, officials say