
Sepp Blatter: Federation Internationale de Football Association chief says ‘he is clean’ amid corruption inquiry

Carrard was at the IOC when the Salt Lake City corruption scandal erupted and the organisation faced a similar crisis to the one now being experienced by Federation Internationale de Football Association.


“There is something unfair in the way he has been treated”, Carrard said of Blatter.

However, speaking to BBC Sport, the Swiss said: “I [moved aside] because I wanted to protect Federation Internationale de Football Association”. He is a former global Olympic Committee director. This man is being treated unfairly. I have on my table all the U.S. proceedings. “Nothing. Today I am not aware of any indication of corruption against Blatter”.

Sepp Blatter is still acting as president of Federation Internationale de Football Association as the body is set to hold elections in February 2015 to enable them elect a new president. Carrard must be taking his job very seriously, with the knowledge that although numerous allegations involved individual decisions of various powerful federation members, the omnipresence of bribery and the upward mobility of the corrupt officials implies that FIFA president Sepp Blatter at the very least tacitly condoned the behavior through willful ignorance, if he didn’t orchestrate it himself, right?

Blatter reiterated that it was individuals rather than Federation Internationale de Football Association who were under investigation. But the president of the world’s soccer governing body and self-described “godfather” of women’s soccer did not attend the women’s World Cup in Canada this summer citing commitments in Switzerland.

Carrard, however, doubled down on his defense of Blatter saying, “We are in the process of pillorying him. Unfortunately, it’s always like that when somebody stays too long, the negative side gets noticed”, said the 77-year-old Carrard.

Anyway, Carrard clearly doesn’t think much of the case made by U.S. prosecutors.


Twitter immediately picked up on the slight.

Head Of FIFA Reform Committee Thinks We've Been Too Mean To Sepp Blatter